What would life have been like in ancient Rome?  


You will be traveling back in time to Ancient Rome as a newspaper reporter. 
You will be working with a group of newspaper reporters that were all chosen for their excellent ability to write articles that are interesting and based on fact.
  Over the next two weeks, you will be researching and writing your newspaper articles and working as a team to create one edition of a newspaper.  Each team member will be responsible for writing at least one news article and one supplemental article.  You will work together with the help of your group's Editor-in-Chief to compile and publish the newspaper.  You should assume you are writing at the time of the event on which you are reporting


  • Create a team of reporters
  • Elect an Editor -in- Chief. The Editor-in-chief will be responsible for helping the team come to a consensus when there is a decision to be made.
  • Next you need to choose the time period in which your newspaper will be published.
    The Rise of Rome (The Republic), 753 B.C.E. to 49 B.C.E. or
    The Roman Empire, 49 B.C.E. to C.E. 235.  
  • Each team member is responsible for writing one news article and one supplementary article
    The news articles should consist of 2 feature stories,1 human interest stories and 1 opinion/editorial
    The supplementary articles can be advertisements, puzzles, election news, obituaries, want ads, 
    theatre reviews, restaurant reviews, announcement of upcoming events, religion, mythology recipes, women,sports.    
    Select topics from The Components of Ancient Civilisations
  • Use the Group Brainstorming Sheet to outline the topics and types of articles you will cover.
  •  Each newspaper will include at least 2 pictures/photos/drawing
  •  Each newspaper will have a header that includes a title in large font, and a date and page number in a smaller font .You can select the name of your newspaper
  • Make sure you use at least 15 of the words from your Glossary
  • Select a template